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Food Bankers Join Together to End Hunger in Sacramento

Monday, May 1, 2017

Contacto con los medios:
Daniela Ogden,
teléfono celular (646) 756-9887

Food Bankers Join Together to End Hunger in Sacramento
Two day conference is West Coast’s premiere anti-hunger event

Sacramento — Hundreds of food bankers will gather May 1-2 at the Sacramento Convention Center for the California Association of Food Banks Conference, to rally around ending hunger in California. The conference is the premier anti-hunger event on the west coast and features workshops, plenaries, and keynote speakers. The theme of this year’s conference is Imagine, Feed, Lead and speakers include Vu Le of Nonprofits with Balls, Steve Phillips of Democracy in Color, and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg.

“One in eight Californians suffer from hunger and rely on the support they receive from food banks,” said Sue Sigler, Executive Director of California Association of Food Banks. “Our goal is that conference attendees leave with not only the strategies they need to feed people but a renewed hope that the fight to end hunger is a winnable one.”

Held every two years, the California Association of Food Banks Conference provides a unique opportunity for a broad range of stakeholders committed to building a healthy, hunger-free California to come together. Attendees include the Association’s 41 food bank members as well as key allies and others committed to ending hunger.

Hunger and nutrition pose a major threat to California’s future. For the 5.4 million Californians struggling with food insecurity, hard choices must be made between buying food and meeting such basic needs as housing, medicine, transportation, or childcare. When the resources of friends and family are depleted, struggling families must turn to the food safety net.

California food banks provide healthy foods in a dignified setting to help people in need get back on their feet and provide for their families again.

More information can be found about the event, including workshop descriptions, at

Acerca de la Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos de California:

La Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos de California se asocia con 43 bancos de alimentos y más de 6,000 agencias locales. Nuestra misión es acabar con el hambre en California, y nuestra visión es una California bien nutrida y sin hambre, donde todas las personas tengan suficiente comida para llevar una vida saludable. Obtenga más información en


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