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USDA Wants Your Feedback on TEFAP and CSFP!

February 9, 2018

USDA is asking for feedback on the Foods Fact Sheets for TEFAP and CSFP. USDA plans to redesign the fact sheets but is asking for insight from stakeholders at the State and local level on how they currently use the fact sheets. They are also asking agencies for additional information that should be included in the fact sheets.

If you are involved in managing TEFAP or CSFP, please complete the following survey regarding your use of the fact sheets. Even if you do not use the document, your response is still important. Participation is completely voluntary; however, your feedback will be incredibly helpful as USDA redesigns this resource. The deadline is March 5, 2018.  If you have any questions, please reach out to USDA at USDAFoods@fns.usda.gov.

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