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CalFresh Outreach

CalFresh is known nationally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and formerly as food stamps. 

CalFresh is the nation’s biggest and best anti-hunger program. 

This government run program helps households buy healthy foods. We support 50+ partners throughout the state who help community members apply for  and stay enrolled in CalFresh.

About CalFresh

CalFresh is a federal nutrition program that lets people buy food at their local grocery store with a debit card. Nationally, it is known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), but many may know it by its old name: food stamps.

Learn More & Apply

CalFresh Outreach Work

California has one of the lowest rates of SNAP participation in the country, with only 70% of eligible households getting CalFresh. Almost 2 million Californians are not receiving these nutrition benefits that they are qualified to receive. 

There are many reasons that people don’t apply for CalFresh. The role of CalFresh outreach is to help address these barriers, assist community members with their applications, and ensure eligible households can keep getting CalFresh. 

While California’s participation rate continues to lag far behind the national average, together with our partners we are helping low-income families secure the support they need for healthy diets.

Each year, our outreach partners assist nearly 30,000 households apply for CalFresh each year.

Our Outreach Partners


We create resources to help to support our outreach partners in their work to enroll eligible Californians in CalFresh.


Watch these recorded webinars to learn the basics of CalFresh eligibility rules.

CalFresh COLA

On October 1, 2023, new CalFresh income guidelines took effect.

If an applicant applied in the past but was denied for being slightly over income, they should consider reapplying in October. CalFresh recipients may see a slight increase in their benefit amounts.

Resources & materials:

CalFresh Income Calculator

Use this calculator to determine CalFresh eligibility and/or monthly allotment amount.

This calculator is valid from October 2023–September 2024.

Download Excel spreadsheet here

Data + Information

We are always excited to work with more outreach partners. Reach out to find out more about partnering with us.

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More About CalFresh

Here is some additional information about changes to CalFresh.

SSI Expansion

On June 1, 2019, recipients of Supplemental Security Income became eligible to apply for CalFresh, as is the case in every other state in the country.

Supplemental Security Income (SS) is a federally funded program that provides a modest monthly benefit to low-income people who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled. In California, the SSI payment is augmented by a State Supplementary Payment (SSP) which brings the maximum monthly benefit for an individual living alone to $1135, an amount that forces many low-income seniors and people with disabilities to live in poverty. 

Together with our food banks, we have been at the heart of the Californians for SSI (CA4SSI) coalition that championed this historic victory in the 2018-19 state budget, ending the exclusion on CalFresh that has been in place since 1974. This expansion is estimated to have made some 500,000 SSI recipients eligible for CalFresh.

More Information:

Disaster CalFresh

Disaster CalFresh (D-CalFresh), federally known as the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), is a way to meet the temporary nutritional needs of disaster victims following a natural disaster.

Due to severe storms impacting California in 2024, Disaster CalFresh and related CalFresh waivers may be authorized for many counties throughout the year. Updates can be found on our tracking page here.

D-CalFresh is only available when all of the following elements occur:
More Information:

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